The body's vital energy flows in a regulated pattern, along meridians, in a vast web-like network throughout the entire body and brain, connecting and supporting all organs and tissues. Acupuncture decreases muscle tension and pain, unblocks stagnation, circulates healthy blood flow, reduces inflammation, optimized the immune system, improves mood, regulates certain brain pathways, and brings the body’s hormones and biochemistry back into balance. It is one of the most effective ways to shift the body into a state of parasympathetic renewal and repair and has been used to safely heal humanity for thousands of years.
Amplify the body's innate ability to heal
Herbs are classified according to their taste, their temperature, their energetic qualities, their effects on specific organ systems, their affinities for certain areas of the body and their overall physiological functions in the body. Recommendations are based upon a patient's unique health history, individual constitution, symptoms, emotions, as well as observations such as the patient’s pulse, complexion, body type, and tongue. The goal of this potent medicine is to assist and amplify the body's innate ability to heal, balance, and repair. We only use physician-grade nutraceuticals and organic/wild crafted traditional herbalism harvested in traditional Pao Zhi style to ensure quality, efficacy, and purity.
Cupping is where cups are placed on the skin and a vacuum is created by suction. The suction draws the superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body or face using an oil or salve. Cupping brings circulation and nutrients to the area, relieve pain and tension, promote detoxification and lymph drainage, clears the lungs, and feels absolutely amazing.
Moxibustion stimulates circulation, treats certain types of pain, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, assists deep cellular and nerve repair, improves digestion, fertility, menstrual pain, and labor preparation in specific circumstances, improves the immune system, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. Moxa feels wonderful! Patients report warmth, greater range of motion, reduction in swelling, comfort, and less pain in areas of the body where moxibustion is applied long after their treatment has concluded.
This method also helps achieve a radiant glow from the inside out – many patients notice more sparkle shining through their eyes! This is an option for those that seek graceful ageing with less risk and trauma to the face, while still achieving long lasting results.
During this treatment, delicate tiny needles are shallowly placed on areas of your face specifically targeting fine lines, sagging, and sun damage. The local almost imperceptible micro-trauma triggers the body’s natural immune response, increasing blood flow locally, lymphatic drainage, and a biochemical response leading to increased collagen production and cellular turnover. Points are also placed throughout the body to treat underlying root causes, hormonal health, and emotional balance. Facial Cupping, Facial Gua Sha, hydrosols and organic oils are added to enhance results.
This method works by creating thousands of precise micro-punctures to the dermis which triggers new collagen synthesis and elastin production without causing new scar tissue formation. We only use the most elite professional pen on the market and high grade nontoxic medicinal serums added for heightened absorption and cellular health. Microneedling creates skin that is firmer, fuller and tighter, reduces appearance of scars, melasma, fine lines and wrinkles, and exfoliates and erases hyperpigmentation, for a radiant and glowing complexion.
Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology uses the body’s own nervous system as a diagnostic biofeedback tool to uncover hidden imbalances, disease patterns, and the body’s highest priorities when it comes to assisting the order of the healing process.
Acupoint Injection Therapy uses tiny amounts of carefully chosen sterile homeopathic remedies and nutraceuticals injected into specific acupuncture points to increase therapeutic results and provide immediate relief.
After our meeting, Geralyn formulated a comprehensive roadmap to tackle the identified areas requiring support. This involved adjustments to my diet, the incorporation of supplements, and some practical lifestyle changes. Over the past four months of implementing this treatment plan, I've experienced a remarkable improvement in my overall well-being. I now have more energy, mental clarity, and a profound sense of physical strength and health. Working with Geralyn has truly been a gift, and integrating acupuncture into my health plan has proven to be an invaluable addition.
"Working with Geralyn has truly been a gift"
Geralyn is absolutely amazing! If you've ever been reluctant to try acupuncture, I would highly recommend giving Geralyn a chance. Her calm and caring demeanor along with the most relaxing atmosphere, made her an absolute pleasure to work with.
"The healing powers I experienced were tremendous."
I was amazed at how attentive and intuitive she is. I experienced immediate results/relief after having worked with her. I will definitely be visiting her again soon!
"Geralyn has an enormous sensitivity for this."
I came to Dr. Geralyn to be treated for chronic fatigue from long Covid. For many weeks following my bout with Covid, I could barely get off the couch and had lingering chest congestion and brain fog. It was debilitating and even the basics of daily living was an effort. As I scoured the internet looking for answers, I mainly found sad stories of people having unresolved symptoms for months, seeking help from conventional doctors who had no answers. I reached out to Geralyn. I began acupuncture treatment twice a week, and we also ran a Functional lab panel to get more answers. Each visit was like a mini retreat as she creates a safe and sacred space to go within, to be quiet and to heal with her kind and gentle demeanor, deep listening and heart presence. She treated me with acupuncture, cupping, certain dietary shifts and herbal supplements. There was a noticeable improvement in my energy after only a couple of weeks and after a couple of months my symptoms completely resolved. Thanks to Geralyn I got my life back, and I have a renewed trust in my body’s ability to heal. I am deeply grateful.
"I have renewed trust in my body"
Initial Health Consultation - $245
Follow Up Acupuncture - $150 (New Year's Special: 10 pack $1,350)
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Follow up - $175 (New Year's Special: 10 pack $1,500)
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutraceuticals at additional cost as needed.
Traumeel $75
Zeel $75
Engystol $45
B-12 $28
Vit -D $28
Initial Health Consultation - $245
Chinese Herbal Formulas - cost varies
Nutraceuticals as needed - cost varies
Initial Health Consultation - $245
Functional Medicine Blood Chemistry and Urinalysis (95+ biomarkers) - $995
Additional Lab Panels (stool/DUTCH/infections/toxins/
food allergies etc.) as needed, cost varies
60min - $350
45min - $245
30min - $185
Bridging the ancient wisdom of Traditional Eastern Medicine with the latest advancements in diagnostic testing and Functional Medicine.
Calling forward a new paradigm in healthcare that is patient centered, proactive, and empowering.